What is the motivation for you to learn a foreign language?

As it`s good known that for doing something we need a goal for what we do it.

As for learning foreigns languages, there are the following reasons:

1) needing a foreign language for a job, mostly for a job abroad;

2) lovingto travel;

3) in love with a culture, person of a foreign country.

What is the reason for you from the listed above? Or do you have your own?

Sep 22, 2014 7:05 PM
Comments · 5

New language means to learn new culture, which gives you opportunity to  look at our  nation from another side. 

September 22, 2014

Learning a foreign language really open a lot of possibilities. Besides, it help to keep the brain working well.

September 23, 2014

To become more in touch with the world. It's like trying foreign food or watching a foreign movie...just a bit harder, but so much more rewarding. I have been learning Spanish. I live in Spain now and apart from the obvious practical aspects of speaking the language I feel like I can learn about people here on a bit of a deeper level. 

September 23, 2014

I'd mention 3 first purposes just came to my mind:


1. Continuing my education abroad

2. Job opportunities

3. Self satisfaction

September 23, 2014

I'm a few generations removed from Ireland but I take pride in my heritage. I figured that there's no better way to connect with the culture than to learn the language, so, I decided to learn the Irish language and Irish dance. 

September 22, 2014