
Hello guys! I have a presentation in portuguese on Wednesday. It will be very basic because im just on level 1. Im having trouble in translating the word "mash." I want to write a sentence saying mash the plantains with butter." How can I say that? 


Sep 29, 2014 2:18 AM
Comments · 4

For "mash" you can use the verb "amassar". But just out of curiosity, what "plantains" mean?

September 29, 2014

@adilson it means banana da terra.


Thanks for your help

September 29, 2014

When you're ready, send me that recipe, please.

October 28, 2014

Adilson is right, "to mash" means "amassar". But if you're giving a recipe, you're might be saying you're going to mash the plaintains up with butter, with would translate into the verb "misturar". So, if you're going to crush them to a pulp, you'll use "amassar"; if you're mixing them, you'll use "misturar". Hope I didn't make a mess out of it :P

September 29, 2014