How to get a peaceful mind?

I always think too much, what to do to prevent myself from overthinking?

Oct 22, 2014 2:17 PM
Comments · 22

Meditation can help you some in a sense, however, to find a good solution may as well help you settle the problem you are confronting. To give up can be one of your solution to solve the problem.


To take it

To solve it

To accept it

following that peace comes along.

October 27, 2014

If you can, watch this:

or alternatively you can read here: ;


The links have some pretty interesting thoughts on the matter, put together much better than i could articulate. Besides, it will help you learn English ;)

December 26, 2014

Sophie, what most people know as yoga is just one form of yoga. True yogis use "asanas" which are the physical stretching and position ONLY to increase their ability to MEDITATE. Seriously hatha yoga that is so popular in the West has in the past only been the means to the end of meditaition. If you just do the physical part, it likely will have little effect on the internal chatter of an active mind generally. Mediatation is THE THING for creating a peaceful mind. 

December 29, 2014

By the same token maybe you can practise yoga. That will help you to relax and to take it easy.

December 28, 2014

Just SAYING stay in the moment doesn't really work. You need to train your mind. This is done through meditation. It makes a tremendous difference in one's ability to concentrate and turning off what the Buddhists call "the monkey mind" was a deep relief and joy for me. It's truly wonderful to be able to stop that inner chatter when you want to. 

December 28, 2014
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