Professional Teacher
Curious things and myths to learn English and Spanish

There are a lot of myths and unbelievable things! We could share them here in English or Spanish!

I'm sure that you know something really interesting!


¡Hay muchos mitos y cosas increibles!

¡Podríamos compartirlas aquí en inglés o español!

¡Seguro que sabes algo realmente interesante! ^_^



Oct 22, 2014 7:08 PM
Comments · 5

Two myths


Napoleon was short. In fact he was above average height for a Frenchman of the time.

Napoleon era de baja estatura. En realidad el tenía aproximadamente la altura promedio de un francés de su época.


Police don't demmand a period of 24 hours to accept a report of someone lost.

La policia no pide un periode de 24 horas para aceptar el reporte de alguien desaparecido.

October 22, 2014

I didn't know that! Thanks a lot Héctor!

Another one:

Our muscle fibers never work together, otherwise, probably our tendons or bones would break. Have you heard about a woman who raised a car in order to save her baby? well, that one could not be a myth because theorically it's possible.


Nuestras fibras nusculares nunca trabajan juntas, de no ser así, nuestros tendones o huesos se ronperían. ¿Habéis oído acerca de una mujer que levantó un coche para salvar a su bebé? Bueno, ese podría no ser un mito, ya que teóricamente es posible.^_^

October 23, 2014

Swallows don't need to land for sleeping.

Las golondrinas no necesitan aterrizar para dormir.

October 22, 2014

A los ratones no les gusta el queso ^_^

October 22, 2014

Mice don't like cheese ^_^

October 22, 2014