how to learn a foreign language well

when we want to a learn a new language,what is  the most diffcult thing we face is we lack of an environment of new language  how to overcome it?

Oct 23, 2014 9:24 AM
Comments · 2

 Hello Marco:


  An "environment" can be found.   For example,  with modern technology involving  CD recordings and Movie Videos, one can immerse  in an environment in their own home.


    One of the keys I think is to continually listen to  something recorded in a repetitious manner.

A  song  recording  is one good  way to do that,  combined with reading the lyrics. If a student practices pronuciation   of the words of a song,  it can be  an "environment".


  The same is true  with  certain  movies.   Certain  movies with songs in them can be help  by offering a chance for repetition.   Both Songs and Movie lists can be found in my Notebook Entries.


Other than that,  many Nursery Rhymes can be found on the Internet.

Songs and other such repetitious study material   allow for memorization   more than   general reading or study material.


   Otherwise,   if English is the language you wish to learn,  using the Dolch Word Lists  for the parts of speech  are  a foundation   to work with.    When you study  a  word list,  find sample sentences which use the Dolch Words, or have a language partner  practice  making sentences with the Dolch Words.


October 23, 2014

By creating your own foreign enviroment. Listen to radio, download podcast, read read and read, watch movies with subtitles (or without depends on the level) on the same language and finally use italki :)

October 23, 2014