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He-Man Y Los Amos Del Universo : La Historia Detrás Del Mito Dobaro dan, svima. Kako ste? Što radite danas? Trenutno sam na poslu. Sinoć sam učio neke nizozemske riječi. Na primjer, "bloembed" znači "flower bed" na engleskom jeziku, "ontdekken" znači "to discover something", "ontbijten" znači "to have breakfast", i "havik" i "haviken" znače "hawk" i "hawks" respektivno. Sinoć sam učio neke španjolske riječi također. Na primjer, "amo" znači "master" na engleskom jeziku. Pojavi se u knjizi "He-Man Y Los Amos Del Universo : La Historia Detrás Del Mito". Naslov znači "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe : The History behind the Myth." American English for English Learners Hi, everyone. How are you (all)? What are you doing today? I'm at work right now. Last night, I learned a few Dutch words. For example, "bloembed" means "flower bed" in the English language, "ontdekken" means "to discover something", "ontbijten" means "to have breakfast", and "havik" and "haviken" mean "hawk" and "hawks" respectively. Last night, I also learners a few Spanish words. For instance, "amo" means "master" in the English language. It appears in the book "He-Man Y Los Amos Del Universo : La Historia Detrás Del Mito". The title means "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe : The History behind the Myth."
Jul 31, 2014 5:34 PM
Corrections · 4

He-Man Y Los Amos Del Universo : La Historia Detrás Del Mito

Dobaro dan, svima. Kako ste? Što radite danas? Trenutno sam na poslu.

Sinoć sam učio neke nizozemske riječi. Na primjer, "bloembed" znači "flower bed" (krevet od cvijeća) na engleskom jeziku, "ontdekken" znači "to discover something" (otkriti što), "ontbijten" znači "to have breakfast" (doručkovati), i a "havik" i "haviken" znače "hawk" (jastreb), i odnosno* "hawks" (jastrebovi) respektivno.

Sinoć sam također učio (i**) neke španjolske riječi također. Na primjer, "amo" znači "master" (gazda, gospodar, vlasnik, upravitelj etc.) na engleskom jeziku. Pojavi Javlja se u knjizi "He-Man Y Los Amos Del Universo : La Historia Detrás Del Mito". Naslov znači "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe : The History behind the Myth".***  ("He-Man i gospodari svemira: Povijest mita")

*Croatian doesn't use the word "respectfully" like English does. Instead, we use the word "odnosno" between the two terms you're explaining (as seen in the correction). That doesn't completely get rid of the ambiguity, but decreases it somewhat.

**You can put that "i" in between when you're using "također" to make it sound more natural. It's not required, however.

***In Croatian you put punctuation marks outside of quotation marks. :)

July 31, 2014
Typo: "I also learned a few Spanish words".
July 31, 2014
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