What is the difference between magbigay, ibigay and magbigay?
Jun 9, 2013 4:34 AM
Answers · 8
Magbigay means to give (something not particular) Ex.: Magbigay ka ng pera sa kaniya. - Give him/her money. (The money is not someone particular's money. We also don't know what type of money it is, whether it's coins or paper money.) Ibigay means to give (something particular) Ex.: Ibigay mo ang bag niya. Give him/her his/her bag. (The bag is his particularly.) Also, the focus on "magbigay" is on the subject, so the object would not matter much. But on "ibigay", the focus is on the object, so it has to be something known and particular. Hope you understood and not get confused. :)
June 12, 2013
Tagalog Rootword: BIGAY English Rootword: GIVE Function: Verb --------- ACTION STARTED & TERMINATED --------- [1] NAGBIGAY --> Nagbigay ako ng regalo sa kanya. (I gave her a gift.) [2] BINIGAY --> Binigay ko itong regalo sa kanya. (I gave this gift to her.) --------- ACTION STARTED BUT NOT YET COMPLETED --------- [1] NAGBIBIGAY --> Nagbibigay siya ng pera sa mahihirap. (She gives money to the poor.) [2] BINIBIGAY --> Binibigay niya ang pera niya sa mahihirap. (She gives her money to the poor.) --------- ACTION STARTED BUT ANTICIPATED OR CONTEMPLATED --------- [1] MAGBIBIGAY --> Magbibigay ako ng laptop sa mananalo sa palaro. (I will give a laptop to the winner of the contest.) [2] IBIBIGAY --> Ibibigay ko ang laptop sa mananalo sa palaro. (I will give the laptop to the winner of the contest.) LEGEND **[1] ACTOR focus **[2] OBJECT focus SOURCE / ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FOR REVIEW http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Tagalog/tagalog_verbs.htm Thank you for learning our language. I hope that helps. Happy learning (^.^)
June 10, 2013
Magbigay is to give something (future tense). ie. Magbigay tayo ng handaan para sa kaarawan ng aking kapatid bukas. = Lets throw a party for my brother's / sister's birthday tomorrow. Ibigay is to give something (present tense). ie. Paki bigay / Ibigay mo ito sa kanya. = Please give this to her / to him. / Give this to her / him. I hope my explanation helped you. :)
June 10, 2013
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