I need to know what you think about that! what are the dead? Some envision life in a Hereafter—heaven, hell, purgatory, or Limbo. Others believe in rebirth as a different life-form. On the other hand, those who reject religious concepts believe that death is simply the end of a person’s existence. what is the condition of the death? Many have been taught that a person’s experiences in the Hereafter depend on what he did while alive on earth. If he did good things, his reward would be eternal bliss; if he was bad, his destiny would be eternal torment. It is claimed that humans have to be cleansed of sin before being allowed into the presence of God after death. Those who are not cleansed are said to be forever deprived of that joy/ Is there are any hope for the dead? Tell me your opinions please!!
Oct 24, 2014 3:11 PM
Answers · 5
"hope for the dead" doesn't mean anything to me because I don't believe in any afterlife.I think that when we die that's the end. I don't believe in "eternal bliss" or "eternal torture". I think that life is just the here and now,and that's all.
October 24, 2014
At 19, I read a sentence that re-terraformed my head: '' The level of matter in the universe has been constant since the Big Bang''. In all the aeons we have lost nothing, we have gained nothing - not a speck, not a grain, not a breath. The universe is simply a sealed, twisting kaleidoscope that has reordered itself a trillion trillion trillion times over. Each baby, then, is a unique collision - a cocktail, a remix - of all that has come before: made from molecules of Napoleon and stardust and comets and whale tooth; colloidal mercury and Cleopatra's breath: and with the same darkness that is between the stars between, and inside, our own atoms. When you know this, you suddenly see the crowded top deck of the bus, in the rain, as a miracle: this collection of people is by way of a starburst constellaction. Families are bright, irregular-shaped nebulae. Finding a person you love is like galaxies colliding. We are all peculiar, unrepeatable perambulating micro-universes - we have never been before and we will never be again. Oh, God, the sheer exuberant, unlikely face of our existences. The honour of being alive. They will never be able to make you again. Don't you dare waste a second of it thinking better will happen when it ends. Don't you dare" - Caitlin Moran
October 24, 2014
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