What is a 'statement jewelry'? Really don't understand what is 'statement jewelry' and the usage of this : ' This pair of pierced earrings is a perfect everyday fashion statement. ' Could anyone tell me what's the exact meaning of 'statement' here? Any hint would be appreciated.
Sep 7, 2009 2:21 PM
Answers · 3
Hello loppp, "Fashion" refers to styles and customs prevalent at a given time. It could be clothes, accessories or jewelry. "Fashion statement" means wearing certain clothes or jewelry to convey a message. It expresses something about the attitude, life style or point of view of the wearer regardless of the gender* could be a male or a female*. For example statement T-shirts would carry an image or name of your favorite sport team. A statement jewelry would carry your initials or that of you and your girl. And as Jura mentioned women in particular like to state their wealth , gorgeousness ,style etc through wearing certain jewelry.
September 10, 2009
Women wear this type of jewellery to impress other women because they want to show them their status in life and how fashion conscious they are.
September 7, 2009
"Fashion statement" refers to clothing, jewelry or accessories that draw attention to the person wearing them. It's something bold or unusual, normally.
September 7, 2009
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