what is the meaning of ( head out , head for , head off head back ) ? :)
Jul 27, 2010 8:43 PM
Answers · 2
head out- go out ex. I'm going to head out and hang out with some friends of mine. head for- go/aim for ex. I am heading for that hill, would you like to come with me? head off- leave or go out ex. He said that he is heading off to go to the bank. head back- come back ex. The soldiers decided that it was time to head back home. I hope that the sentences helped you understand the meaning of these words.
July 27, 2010
"head out" = to leave a place. Example: "Make sure to grab your coat before you head out of the house." "head for" = to move towards something. Example: "If your car is running out of gas, head for the nearest gas station." "head off" = to get in the way of something. This one can be hard to understand. It means to get in the way so that something can't move forward. Example: "The car was going to crash, but Superman was able to head it off and stop it." Another example: "Bob knew Karen wanted to leave, but he headed her off by leaving first, so she ended up having to stay at work." So, you see, "head off" can be used for things that aren't really moving, like Karen's plans to leave. "head back" = turn around and go back where you came from. Example: Paul left his house to go grocery shopping. After he got done, he decided it was time to head back home.
July 27, 2010
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