NEW: Let's Talk! C1+



60 دقائق

6 أماكن/ للدرس

فئة الموضوع

المناظرة والنقاش-المناظرة

وصف الدرس

In this lesson, we will tackle complex conversations and debates at the C1/C2 level. We will cover ethical and philosophical issues, critical analysis, and advanced hypothetical scenarios. ***Please be aware, the group lessons are available for adults only (18 years old +). Some topics may not be suitable for children and it would be against Italki's policy for younger learners to attend this class.***

بعد هذا الدرس، سوف تكون قد تعلّمت

By the end of this lesson, you will have practised: Discussing ethical and philosophical issues in depth. Engaging in critical analysis and structured debates. Exploring advanced hypothetical scenarios. Providing well-structured arguments and articulate your ideas clearly. Join us to master your English speaking skills and participate in high-level discussions. * Plus, you’ll receive written feedback that you can save, download and even print to keep a record of the lesson and track of what you learned.

مادة الدرس

* سوف تصبح مواد التعلّم متاحة بعد الشراء.

قابل معلّمك

Mark Wickham

Certified British English Tutor: Expert in IELTS & Business English

With my professional English lessons, you can expect personalised sessions featuring authentic, customised materials. Each lesson includes detailed feedback, helping you identify and address areas for improvement. I offer expert tips for international exams like the IELTS, and as a native British English speaker, I provide valuable cultural insights. My approach encourages independent learning while making lessons enjoyable and interactive. I focus on developing your overall English skills, ensuring you have ample opportunities to practise and improve.


يجب أن يكون عمرك ١٨ أو أكثر لحضور هذا الدرس الجماعي.


يمكنك إلغاء هذا الدرس واسترداد ثمنه قبل ٢٤ ساعة من موعد بدء الدرس.


يمكن للمعلم إلغاء هذا الدرس إذا تم تسجيل أقل من مكانين به.


قد يضمّن بعض المعلّمين استراحة مدتها خمس دقائق في وقت الدرس.


سو يتم تقديم الدرس في برنامج زوم.

دروس جماعية أخرى يقدمها Mark Wickham


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