1、Social and payment: Wechat(微信 wēi xìn)
2、Online payment and travel: Alipay(支付宝 zhī fù bǎo)
3、Translation dictionary:Pleco and Youdao (有道 yǒu dào)
4、Maps:Baidu map and Gaode map(百度地图 bǎi dù dì tú 、高德地图 gāo dé dì tú )
5、Delivery applications: Meituan and hungry me(美团 měi tuán、 饿了么 è le me)
6、Entertainment:Tiktok(抖音 dǒu yīn)
7、E-commerce softwares: Taobao and alibaba(淘宝 táo bǎo、 阿里巴巴 ā lǐ bā bā)