How I Coached a Leader to Master Assertive Communication - Episode 65
How I Coached a Leader to Master Assertive Communication - Episode 65
٢٨ مايو ٢٠٢٤ ١٥:٤٩
Many leaders struggle to strike the balance between friendliness and firmness. One client, let's call her Sarah, excelled in collaboration but found her team didn't take her directives seriously. Her challenge? Assertive communication. Over 12 weeks, we embarked on a journey to transform Sarah's communication style. Our bi-weekly coaching sessions (Mondays for planning, Fridays for review) provided structure and accountability. Here's how we achieved results: Unveiling the Power of "I" Statements: Instead of accusatory "you" statements ("You always miss deadlines!"), we practiced "I" statements ("I feel frustrated when deadlines are missed"). This shifted the focus to the impact on Sarah and the team, fostering collaboration. Body Language Bootcamp: Nonverbal cues speak volumes. We practiced confident posture, strong eye contact, and clear gestures. Standing tall while giving instructions and mirroring team members' positive body language fostered a sense of mutual respect. The Art of the Pause: Sarah often rushed through instructions, leaving room for confusion. We mastered the power of the pause. Strategic pauses after key points allowed information to sink in and empowered team members to ask clarifying questions. Innovation in Role-Playing: Traditional role-playing can feel awkward. We gamified the process, creating scenarios based on Sarah's real-life situations. This playful approach allowed Sarah to experiment with assertive language in a safe space, boosting her confidence. Celebrating Small Wins: Progress wasn't always linear. We celebrated even minor victories, like delivering a firm but respectful instruction. Acknowledging her achievements fueled Sarah's motivation and helped her stay on track. The Result? Measurable Change: Within three months, Sarah's communication transformed. Team meetings became more focused, deadlines were met consistently, and her leadership presence flourished.
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