#42 うなぎの日? / Eel Day? // N4 Level /Japanese listening
٢ يوليو ٢٠٢٣
٢ يوليو ٢٠٢٣
Today’s Theme is “うなぎの日(ひ)?《Eel Day?》”.
This episode is JLPT-N4 level.
I created a quiz on this episode.
After listening, please take the quiz!
Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices.
土用(どよう):"土用(どよう)" strictly refers to the 18 days before the first days of spring, summer, fall, and winter (on the lunar calendar). Today, however, "土用(どよう)" generally refers only to the 18 days before the first day of fall.
丑(うし)の日(ひ):The day called "丑(うし)の日(ひ)", which is translated literally as the day of the Ox, can be seen in the calendar that follows the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The twelve signs were introduced to Japan from ancient China. The twelve signs were allocated one by one to the days on the calendar. "丑(うし)の日(ひ)" is the day to which the second sign of the twelve signs is allocated.
立春(りっしゅん):the first day of spring
立夏(りっか):the first day of summer
立秋(りっしゅう):the first day of fall
立冬(りっとう):the first day of winter
つまり:in other words
干支(えと):the twelve zodiac signs in Chinese astrology
梅干(うめぼ)し:pickled plums
ウリ:a gourd
☆Script for this episode
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☆Quiz for this episode