S.M.A.R.T. Goals and Active Listening - Episode 82
S.M.A.R.T. Goals and Active Listening - Episode 82
٢٦ يونيو ٢٠٢٤ ١٨:٢٢
SMART Goals for Active Listening: Here are some examples of SMART goals you can set to improve your active listening skills: 1. Improve comprehension in work meetings: Specific: I will actively listen during all team meetings by summarizing key points after each agenda item. Measurable: I will track the number of times I summarize key points and the accuracy of my summaries based on colleague feedback. Attainable: I will start by summarizing after one agenda item per meeting, then gradually increase to all items over a month. Relevant: Improved comprehension will lead to better participation and decision-making in meetings. Time-bound: I will implement this for the next 3 months and evaluate progress then. 2. Enhance communication with family: Specific: I will practice active listening with my partner by reflecting back their emotions and using open-ended questions during evening conversations. Measurable: My partner will provide feedback on whether they feel heard and understood by my responses. Attainable: I will focus on actively listening during one conversation per evening for the next two weeks. Relevant: Improved communication will strengthen my relationship with my partner. Time-bound: I will practice this for two weeks and then discuss adjustments with my partner. 3. Become a more supportive friend: Specific: I will actively listen to a friend facing a challenge by maintaining eye contact, avoiding interruptions, and offering summaries of their situation. Measurable: My friend will report feeling supported and understood after our conversation. Attainable: I will dedicate focused listening time during one conversation with a friend per week for a month. Relevant: Active listening will help me be a more supportive friend. Time-bound: I will implement this for one month and then reflect on its impact on our friendship. Remember, these are just examples. You can modify them to fit your specific needs and goals!
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