What’s the difference between“Log in”and “Login”?Is “log on” correct?
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الإجابات · 14
Log in and log on are both phrases verbs. They mean to put your login details into something to gain access to it. They are interchangeable. Login is a noun. It's the details that you enter to gain access to something. Your login name and password, for example. It can also be the form, or whatever, that you enter the details into, the login form.
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Logon is used for a hardware system that starts up when used, like a computer. Login is used for a software system where u have to enter my username and password. "Log in" written as two words is a verb, "Login", written as one word, is a noun or an adjective I am glad you asked such an interesting question. Keep practicing, keep learning ! GL 🙂
١٩ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٠
Logon is used for a hardware system that starts up when used, like a computer. Login is used for a software system where u have to enter my username and password. "Log in" written as two words is a verb, "Login", written as one word, is a noun or an adjective I am glad you asked such an interesting question. Keep practicing, keep learning ! GL 🙂
١٩ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٠
Login is a noun where as “log in” is a verb(defines the action). Generally “Login” information is your authentication credentials (username and password) used when you enter into software application and the process is called “logging in” or you “log in” to the application. “Log on” generally used for hardware ..example like Log on to your computer or PC.
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Log in is a verb that means to enter credentials to access a site. Login is a noun that means a password and a username, or the thing you enter when logging in. Log on is when you access a site without entering any credentials. So, for example, when logging into youtube you enter password and username. But when logging onto youtube you don't enter anything.
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