Becoming a vegetarian is a good choice for those people who are trying to make
their bodies healthy against the temptationnd eliminate the negative effects of meats and fat.s. Vegetarians
believe that human being iss are naturally herbivore herbivorous and the habit of
eating meat doesn't fit our original nature.
Maybe the theory that we humans can
be solely fed on those foods collected from plants, and by avoiding eating food made
from the dead bodies of animals we can help up to lower the risk of developing
diseases like high blood pressure or high bloodthe intake of too much fat. But we see some vegetarians
complaining that of their bodies are getting faint after removing all kinds ofthe meats
from their diet.
So it is nothard to ignorable that we still neetd to eat meat for some
necessary nutritional values like animal proteins and fat. Becoming a vegetarian can be
negative for teenagers because thatey need more nutritions for the growth.
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