Laura Kate
مُعلم محترف
I bought these flowers for a friend whose little dog died... and then I noticed the wrapping! (I live in China where sometime there is ""quirky" English 😆) Why is this phrase inappropriate for giving flowers?
٣٠ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤ ٠٩:١٩
الإجابات · 1
"Anyway" is such a bad word choice! The whole message is inappropriate in this context. Better to say nothing and let the flowers do the talking.
٣٠ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٢:١٢
لم تجد إجاباتك بعد؟
اكتب اسألتك ودع الناطقين الأصليين باللغات يساعدونك!