Native speakers: Do you always use this kind of words “bad temper”, “good temper” , to define a person’s Temperament? Or you have more natural and authentic expressions about that?
٨ مايو ٢٠٢٣ ١٤:٣٥
الإجابات · 10
If someone has a "bad temper", they get angry often and treat others badly when they do. "Good temper" isn't frequently used, but you will sometimes hear someone being described as having a "good temperament."
٨ مايو ٢٠٢٣
"bad temper" and "good temper" are certainly commonly used expressions in English to describe a person's temperament. However, there are also many other words and phrases that can be used to describe someone's personality and temperament, such as "easygoing", "irritable", "calm", "nervous", "moody", and "level-headed", among others. The choice of words used to describe someone's temperament may depend on the speaker's region, cultural background, or personal style.
٨ مايو ٢٠٢٣
Someone who does not get angry easily could be described as easy-going, or good-natured, or as having an inexcitable or placid temperament. From collinsdictionary.com : If you describe someone as easygoing, you mean that they are not easily annoyed, worried, or upset, and you think this is a good quality. [approval] ‘He was easygoing and good-natured.’
٨ مايو ٢٠٢٣
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