Is it possible for people to travel to stars far from solar system in the future? I came across an article online about NASA's take on that and I'll share it here. The closest star to solar system is "Proxima Centauri" and it means the next closest star to Earth after the sun. It is about 4.2 light-year away. It takes more than four years for even light with about 300,000 km per second to get there. In the case of Voyager1 launched in 1977, it would take about 70,000 year to get to "Proxima Centauri" if it was heading in the right direction. That's why we need the technology that we can move at the speed of light in the future. Terrible accidents might occur even when tiny dusts hit our starship if it could move at the speed of light. We also need the durable starships that can get over the damage. Many countries plan to send people to moon in the near future. We already have some service, such as GPS and Internet, with satellites in stationary orbit. Hence, new produces and new service in between Moon and Earth will come out one day. We still have many challenges to carry out the trip to stars, but it seems like a doable trip. Unfortunately, I don't think I can experience the trip because I definitely will die.
١ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤ ٠٧:٠١
التصحيحات · 3
Is it possible for people to travel to stars far from our solar system in the future? I came across an article online about NASA's take on this and I'll share it here. The closest star to our solar system is "Proxima Centauri." This means, it is the next closest star to Earth after the sun. It is about 4.2 light-years away. Hence it takes more than four years for even light traveling at a speed of about 300,000 km per second to get there. In the case of Voyager1 launched in 1977, it would take about 70,000 years to get to "Proxima Centauri" if it was heading in the right direction. That's why we need technology where we can move at the speed of light in the future. Terrible accidents might occur even when tiny dust particles hit our starship if it could travel at the speed of light. We also need the starships to be durable enough to withstand the damage. Many countries plan to send people to the moon in the near future. We already have some services, such as GPS and Internet, with satellites in stationary orbit. Hence, new products and services between the Moon and Earth will come out one day. We still have many challenges to overcome before we can make the trip to these stars, but it seems like a doable trip. Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to experience the trip because I definitely will die before then (Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to experience the trip within my lifetime).
Interesting! Well done.
١ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤ ٠٨:٥٦
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