All are grammatically correct.
1-3 are close in meaning but not precisely the same. In #3, "since" will be interpreted to mean "because".
In #4, we have seen him one or more times since he left.
#2 can be a useful sentence:
"I have been busy. I still have time to study English and take care of the children. Unfortunately, I have not been seeing you since war broke out."
In this sentence, "since" can mean "since the time" or "because". The precise meaning can only be determined with additional context.
This is a very good sentence since "since" can have the same meaning as "because". Thus, I would interpret #3 as
"I have not been seeing you because war has broken out."
It is more difficult, but not impossible, to make sense of #3 if you interpret "since" to mean "since the time". It would not be an error, just a bit awkward. If you want the meaning "since the time", #2 is better.