The pie charts describe the different satisfaction levels of visitors to Ashdown Museum at two different times. And the graph compared the number of visitors during the different times. Overall, after the refurbishment, while the number of people who visited Ashdown Museum increased, visitors’ satisfaction level of visiting also increased. Compared with the year before refurbishment, the number of visitors to the museum is outnumbered 18 thousand, also the level of very satisfied with their visit is higher than the year after refurbishment by 20 percent, meanwhile the level of satisfaction exceeds 10 percent. On the contrary, people who are dissatisfied with the visit journey are reduced by 30 percent, and the number of those who are very dissatisfied becomes only 5 percent which is only half a proportion of the year before refurbishment. At the same time, there were still some people who didn’t offer their attitude, and the proportions are same in the two periods.
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