مُعلم محترف
Have you wondered what is important in a job interview? How should you speak to HR people? What skills do you illustrate best? What if you start speaking of a wrong thing that will ‘demotivate’ an employer from hiring you? Have you had these thoughts when preparing for a job interview? Most people forget they have value, they stand for something, and they have a character that (if positioned properly, and I help my private students to do that), if positioned properly, you can communicate ‘in a matching’ manner. The job interview process is a science; it takes meticulous research into the ‘unobvious traits that need to be brought up', such as pulling out your beliefs and attitudes as a'sales point’ that can potentially be the defining factor in being hired. In today’s recording, I’ll have you sold on some ideas my CEO students, C-level managers, and vice presidents of companies told me to share with you! J Since I have direct access to these people,. You don’t want to miss this podcast. Apply for my 1-on-1 private job interview training now and be fully prepared for a new chapter of your life.
Soft skills VS Hard skills in a Job Interview.
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