"Your face I saw in the dream was not as clear to my eyes as in your portrait; I am soon wakened by the cries of birds." I was not wakened by the cries of birds but by the opening of the door. My landlord said he wanted to rent out another bedroom to someone else. I said, "Of course. They can come, I can go." He said, "If you go, I won't lease it. If the interruption of your sleep makes you leave, I'll be in the same situation." I said, "You can lease my room." He said he wouldn't be able to find another tenant like me (I neither cook, nor have lots of stuff, ask him to buy me a bed and an air conditioner, nor live here on weekends and holidays. I'm quiet.) and pretended to care about me - exaggerated how well he treated me and how good this apartment is. I'm tired of it.
٦ مارس ٢٠٢٥ ١٠:١٧