Tony Zhang
Can “WeChat(微信)” be translated into English with "Micro Letter"?
٢١ يونيو ٢٠١٧ ٠٧:٥٢
التعليقات · 3
"Micro letter" is what automatic translation often provides as a translation, however it is a very 'non-English' construction.  Typically, people know what WeChat is, it's a product rather than a type of communication, therefore there is no need to translate the name other than to call it 'WeChat'.  As for what we send using WeChat, we might just use the word 'message', "I sent you a message on WeChat", some people will use 'text' instead of 'message', but 'message' is the most common usage, from experience.  Likewise, we would refer to WeChat as a 'messaging application' or a 'messaging app'.
٢١ يونيو ٢٠١٧
I would not translate it; the name in English is WeChat. If one were to translate it, I think "mini-message" would sound cool. In fact, I'm not sure just how "mini" WeChat messages really are; I mean, they're not restricted in size like Twitter or SMS, are they? Note that we normally use "letter" to refer to snail mail, not electronic mail or short electronic messages.
٨ يوليو ٢٠١٩
٨ يوليو ٢٠١٩