WeChat Verification
Let's get a WeChat verification thread going here. I've been trying to find someone to verify my account for a while, but everyone I know has already used up their one verification! Is there anyone out there who is willing and able to verify my WeChat account?

... if you're also in need of a WeChat verification, reply below!

Edit: It seems that many people I talk to aren't even aware that users outside of China need to have their WeChat accounts verified. Has anyone else had this similar experience? I'm guessing from the down votes that I'm the only one? Let me know, I'm really interested!
٢١ فبراير ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:١٥
التعليقات · 10
Yes it’s definitely a thing! I just helped a friend get verified , if anyone still needs help send me a message.
١٦ مايو ٢٠٢٠
Hello! I also encountered this problem when registering. I need a user from China to confirm my account by scanning my QRcode.
٢٣ أبريل ٢٠٢٠
If anyone is able to help verify I would greatly appreciate it. Currently trying to reach out to a former exchange student in mainland and I’m not able to get past the sign up screen!
١٩ مايو ٢٠٢٠
As a software engineer and a native Chinese I probably know a little bit more about these Chinese specific network issue. Let me know if anyone need any help with it.
١٦ مايو ٢٠٢٠
Hi Everyone,

I am a new teacher on Italki and I have just encountered this issue. If anybody is able to verify my account I would be most grateful.

١٣ مايو ٢٠٢٠
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المهارات اللغوية
الصينية (المندرية), الصينية (التايوانية), الإنجليزية, اليابانية, الإسبانية
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الصينية (المندرية), الصينية (التايوانية), اليابانية