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Topic: Measures to protect endangered animals As you know, animals play an important part in our environment. They help maintain the biodiversity in nature. Today many animal species are in danger of extinction . In this essay , I will discuss some measures to protect endangered animals.Firstly, governments can set up some organizations to advocate the important of saving the species of animals and plants.Also, many reserves should be built in order to protect the endangered species. Secondly, rules must be banned to protect from the deforestation. Thirdly,we should educate people from the young age about the importance of wild animals in maintain the ecosystem and biodiversity.In addition, young people should be educated how to protect our environment such as take out the garbage correctly, love animals,plant trees.. ..In conclusion,I think there are many measures to protect endangered animals .And each of us has the responsibility for protecting and saving endangered species before it is too late.
٧ مايو ٢٠١٥ ١٦:٤٧
التصحيحات · 4

Topic: Measures to protect endangered animals

As you know, animals play an important part in our environment. They help maintain the biodiversity in nature. Today many animal species are in danger of extinction. In this essay, I will discuss some measures to protect endangered animals. Firstly, governments can set up some organizations to advocate the important of saving the species of animals and plants. Also, many reserves should be built in order to protect the endangered species. Secondly, rules must be banned to protect from the deforestation must be banned. Thirdly, we should educate people from a young age about the importance of wild animals in maintaining the ecosystem and biodiversity. In addition, young people should be educated on ways to protect our environment, such as taking out the garbage correctly, caring for animals, and planting trees. In conclusion, I think there are many measures to protect endangered animals and each of us has the responsibility to protect and save endangered species before it is too late.

٧ مايو ٢٠١٥
all animals in need of protection. to protect endangered animals is how to protect only the presidents and officials. This is not enough). No one can change a person if he does not want. For example Switzerland the cleanest country in the world. But Oh... i try translate it: В 80-е годы, когда маркировка мусора была введена только на юго-востоке страны, стало распространяться явление, так называемого, мусорного туризма. На выходные люди брали свои семьи, забивали багажники накопившимися за неделю отходами и ехали в другую часть страны на пикник. И по стране путешествовали и мусор бесплатно выбрасывали. Только в Цюрих было свозили свыше 3000 тонн “нелегальных" кульков с отходами в день. Поэтому, всем кантонам и общинам пришлось ввести пошлину на мусор. In the 80s, when the marking of garbage was introduced only in the south-east of the country, it began to spread the phenomenon of so-called garbage tourism. On weekends, people took their families scored luggage of waste accumulated over the week and went to another part of the country on a picnic. And across the country traveled and rubbish thrown free. Only in Zurich was carted over 3000 tonnes of "illegal" bags with waste per day.
٧ مايو ٢٠١٥
هل تريد التطور بشكل أسرع؟
انضم لمجتمع التعلّم هذا وجرّب التمرينات المجانية!