Family Life task 1. In 19-th century all marriages are contracted only with parrents blessing. 2. We value our near end dear, family and relatives. 3. The groom shouldn't look at his bride in wedding dress before the ceremony. It is a bad sign 4. In the wedding day the best man accompanis the groom and bridesmaides accompany the bride. 5. Newly-wed went on honneymoon to Italy. 6. Alice was head over heels in love to John Lind and rushed into marriage. 7. It is very difficult to care about your family and to work at the same moment, so many women become housewives after the birth of children. 8. Cristine had good relationship with husbund's relatives. They helped het to bring up her babies. 8. Many childless families want to adopt a baby, but this prosedure is rather hard. 10. Number of divorces increased, sequansly number of broken homes increased too 11.Raymond was divorsed and had an adult son from first mariage. Sandra was a single. 12. Pamela was an orphan, she was raised by stepmother. 13. It was considered that mariages of conveniance are stronger then mariages of love.
٣ سبتمبر ٢٠١٥ ٢٠:٤٤
التصحيحات · 1

Family Life taskS

1. In THE 19th century, all marriages WERE contracted only with THE parents' blessing.
2. We value our near AND dear, family and relatives.
3. The groom shouldn't look at his bride in HER wedding dress before the ceremony. It's BAD LUCK.
4. ON the wedding day the best man accompaniEs the groom and bridesmaids accompany the bride.
6. Alice was head over heels in love WITH John Lind and rushed into marriage.
7. It is very difficult to care about your family and to work at the same TIME, so many women become housewives after THEIR CHILDREN'S BIRTH.
8. Cristine had A good relationship with HER husbAnd's relatives. They helped heR RAISE her babies.
8. Many childless families want to adopt a baby, but this proCedure is rather hard.
10. THE number of divorces increased; SUBSEQUENTLY THE number of broken homes increased too.
11.Raymond was divorCed and had an adult son from HIS first mariage. Sandra was single.
12. Pamela was an orphan; she was raised by HER stepmother.
13. Mariages of conveniEnce WERE CONSIDERED stronger thAn mariages of love.

٤ سبتمبر ٢٠١٥
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