Hello everyone 😆 Yesterday was Respect for the Aged Day and Japanese national holiday. 🇯🇵✨It was a day to honor and celebrate the longevity of the elderly people who have served the society for many years. 🧓Japan has a large percentage of elderly people camper to other countries. I hope everyone is happy and lives a long life.🙌✨
٢٠ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١ ٢٣:٣٠
التصحيحات · 3
Hello everyone 😆 Yesterday was Respect for the Aged Day and a Japanese national holiday. 🇯🇵✨It was a day to honour and celebrate the longevity of the elderly people who have served society for many years. 🧓Japan has a large percentage of elderly people compared to other countries. I hope everyone is happy and lives a long life.🙌✨
Same here :)
٢٢ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١
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