Corrections please! Travelling by bus is marvelous journey you may have ever had. For many reasons. Firstly, you absloutely meet new people on the bus, and that helps you to discover new habits and personalities. There are funny people and grumbly ones. Secondly, long trips cpuld help you discover the country closer and it is the beest way to understand the culture of any country easily. Thirdly, you may read about a country but be sure travelling by bus will make it more beautiful than reading a book or even watch a documentary film about that country. Therefore, try to travel by bus and gain new experince.
٨ يونيو ٢٠٢١ ٠٣:١٧
التصحيحات · 1
Corrections please! Travelling by bus is as marvelous a journey as you may have ever had for many reasons. Firstly, you absolutely always meet new people on the bus, and that helps you to discover new habits and personalities. There are funny people as well as grumbly ones. Secondly, long trips could help you discover the country more and it is the best way to understand the culture of any country more easily. Thirdly, you may read about a country but for sure, travelling by bus will make it more beautiful to you than reading a book or even watch a documentary film about that country. Therefore, try travelling by bus and gain new experiences.
Sounds great. Well done Ali
٩ يونيو ٢٠٢١
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