what's the meaning of "so far so good " ?! and, when do I use this expression ?
٣ يوليو ٢٠١١ ١٨:٥٨
الإجابات · 5
When someone asks you how far you are gone with doing something, how it is going and you want to express,that everything until now is going well ,you use this idiom. "So far, so good." It refers in general to a satisfactory feeling about an existing condition. - You have been living here since a week or so, how do you feel in the new city ?Do you like it? - So far, so good. It means here everything is alright up until now.
٣ يوليو ٢٠١١
It means that everything is going well with something you are doing or working on. Everything is good or okay up until this point in time. It usually applies to some task you are doing, not about you personally. For example... "How are your English studies going?" "So far, so good." That would be a perfect time to use this expression.
٣ يوليو ٢٠١١
٤ يوليو ٢٠١١
A man jumps off a tall building. As he falls, people hear him calling out, "So far, so good. So far, so good."
٤ يوليو ٢٠١١
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