"writer's block"用中文怎么说呢? How do you express this? My dictionary only has a chengyu, 江郎才尽, and I'm not sure what it really means. I don't mean that my talent has been exhausted or I have nothing left to say. Another friend suggested 写不下去 but I am terrible with 补语 so I'm not certain what this means exactly. Writer's block means that for some reason you're mentally unable to start writing or continue writing something. Merriam Webster's defines it very well as "a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from proceeding with a piece." Thanks for your help, everyone!
٤ أبريل ٢٠١٢ ١٣:١٢
الإجابات · 18
From my point of view,you can say"暂时思维受阻“
٤ أبريل ٢٠١٢
٤ أبريل ٢٠١٢
作者腸枯思竭 腸枯思竭 形容全無靈感,寫不出東西來。 如:「面對著空白的稿紙,腸枯思竭,徒喚奈何!」 枯腸 比喻文思枯竭。 唐˙盧仝˙走筆謝孟諫議寄新茶詩:「三碗搜枯腸,唯有文字五千卷。」 搜索枯腸 比喻竭力思索。 紅樓夢˙第八十四回:「寶玉只得答應著,低頭搜索枯腸。」 三俠五義˙第五回:「只見九個木匠分在兩旁,各自搜索枯腸,誰不願新奇討好呢?」 寫作撞牆期 撞牆 比喻事情遇到困難。 如:「這事撞牆了吧?做事不事先計劃的結果就是如此。」 撞牆期 在長跑中,選手於全程的三分之二後段,因體力幾乎已耗盡,身體感到不適, 像是有一座無形的牆擋在面前般難以前進,稱為「撞牆期」。
٤ أبريل ٢٠١٢
"writer's block" means 写作障碍,作者心理阻滞,或文思枯竭(No writing inspiration in temporary ) "江郎才尽" means 才华已经用尽,比喻才情减退(permanent ) 我认为"writer's block“ 解释为"江郎才尽"是错误的
٤ أبريل ٢٠١٢
٤ أبريل ٢٠١٢
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