Joseph Lemien
脏话/Profanity: Do people even use wang ba dan? My English-Chinese dictionary describes 王八蛋, 忘八蛋, and 忘八但 as highly offensive insults. I have NEVER heard or seen any of these used. Are these ever used? Is there any different between the three? As an insult, are these stronger or more rude/offensive/insulting than 傻B and 操你妈?
٤ يونيو ٢٠١٢ ٢٠:٥٤
الإجابات · 11
Yes, but less and less. 王八 refers to the turtle, 王八蛋 means you are a child of the turtle, it's very insulting, so, never ues it. As to the latter two, the pronunciation is wrong, ou more precisely, the tone is wrong.
٥ يونيو ٢٠١٢
Are these ever used? Is there any different between the three? Yes, 王八蛋 is still often used, but I never heard of 忘八蛋 or 忘八但. As an insult, are these stronger or more rude/offensive/insulting than 傻B and 操你妈? No, 傻B and 操你妈 are MUCH stronger or MUCH more rude/offensive/insulting than 王八蛋. 操你妈>傻B>王八蛋 just like FXCK XXX>asshole>jerk
٥ يونيو ٢٠١٢
oh....this question..... Yes! Chinese use to say 王八蛋 and 傻B and 操你妈.But sir,I hope you don't use this word because it make people anger. As this insuil word were used anywhere,I think is enough for you. sorry about my not comprehensive answer.If you want to konw what that insult means,I can E-mail you,but not here.
٤ يونيو ٢٠١٢
Ben dan(笨蛋) sometimes is used between lovers.The males always say their gfs " xiao bendan".Though it is not a good word,they just like to use it. If others insulted me ,I would rather them said 王八蛋 (wang ba dan) 傻B and 操你妈 are very offensive insults.
١١ يونيو ٢٠١٢
王八蛋sounds like a little outdated expression and pretty weak too.almost as polite as "jerk” i think.much stronger stuff like 杂碎,贱货,狗杂种 etc.
٩ يونيو ٢٠١٢
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Joseph Lemien
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