Can one man learn 2 language in same time? Are there anybody speak ASSAMESE language? If Yes Please meet me.
٢٥ أبريل ٢٠٠٨ ١٨:٤٤
الإجابات · 2
Namaste NJG!! Yes, it is possible to learn more than one language at the same time. It depends on you ability and dedication. As long as you have the positive attitude..you can accomplish anything. I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK!! ^^
٢٥ أبريل ٢٠٠٨
Hi! It depends on your skills, if you do it evey day you will achive success. Good luck!
٢٥ أبريل ٢٠٠٨
لم تجد إجاباتك بعد؟
اكتب اسألتك ودع الناطقين الأصليين باللغات يساعدونك!