Rainie Fang
What does "buff" mean? Recently i'm obsessed about a British show called Britain's Got Talent. In semi-final session, there was a sentence--"a girl from here said you are buff". I've looked into dictionaries but still not found out an exact answer under this circumstance. Words below are explanations given by a dicitionary. buff noun, adjective, verb noun [C] (used in compounds) a person who is very interested in a particular subject or activity and knows a lot about it: a computer / opera / wine buff [U] a pale yellow-brown colour [U] soft strong yellowish-brown leather made especially from the skin of BUFFALO and OXEN See also BLIND MAN'S BUFF Idioms: in the buff (informal) wearing no clothes adjective pale yellow-brown in colour: a buff envelope verb [VN] ~ sth (up) to polish sth with a soft cloth: She buffed up the brass with a cloth.
٢٤ يونيو ٢٠١٤ ١٢:٤٠
الإجابات · 11
When you describe someone as buff, you mean they are not just attractive, but also very physically fit or muscular.
٢٤ يونيو ٢٠١٤
It is slang. According to The Urban Dictionary (www.urbandictionary.com): When someone is looking fine u say they are buff (London ting) = London ting means it is a London thing, they say it in London.
٢٤ يونيو ٢٠١٤
I'd recommend you store this in your 'passive vocabulary', Fang ie as something to be aware of, but not say. As with much slang, it is very limited in its use. Even in London, only a limited number of people would use it, and those people would only say it in certain social contexts. And a few years from now, it might have fallen out of use entirely, and been replaced with a new term.
٢٤ يونيو ٢٠١٤
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