Any dish you know how to do? Please tell me if you know of any dish that tastes so yummy / delicious. If you do, please write on the recipe. I want to try it. I prefer the ones fried, steamed or turbo broiled. But it's is still up to you. Any dish will do such as pastry, cooked dishes, bread, brownies, desserts, etc . . . Thank you. Please also include in what country is it .. See you ^_^
١٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٨ ١١:٠٣
الإجابات · 22
brown seaweed soup (미역국) The ingredients -dried brown seaweed 10g -thin-shelled surf clam meat 70g or 80g -1 or 2 tea spoon minced garlic -2 table spoon clear, refined rice wine -water 1 liter. -salt 재료 -말린 미역 10g -바지락살 70-80g -다진 마늘 1-2 티스푼 -청주 2 스푼 -물 1리터 -소금 recipe 1 cleanse dried brown seaweeds with water, keep them steeped in water and put them in a wicker basket to get rid of water. 2 Put minced garlic, clear, refined rice wine and soaked brown seaweeds in a pot and then parch them in a pot over the fire for 3 or 5 minutes. 3 Pour water into a pot and boil them 20 minutes. 4 Put thin-shelled surf clam meat in the pot and boil them for a moment ***If boil thin-shelled surf clam meat too long, the thin-shelled surf clam meat will be tough and will be lost it's tasty. 5 Salt them 조리법 1 말린 미역을 씻어 물에 불린 다음 소쿠리에 건져 물기를 빼라 2 냄비에 다진 마늘, 청주, 미역을 넣고 3-5분 정도 볶아라 3 냄비에 물을 붓고 20분 정도 끓여라 4 바지락 살을 넣고 약간 더 끓여라. ***바지락살은 너무 오래 끓이면 질겨지고 맛이 없어진다. 5 소금으로 간을 하라. This is another easy dish. ggg
١٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٨
Pommes Lyonnaise. fr..Boil peeled baking potatoes. While doing this, slice up some onions thinly, heat butter, lots of it, in a pan over low heat. Fry them , stirring, with a little sugar, until brown. Cut up the potatoes, turn to medium and fry these, flipping every so often, until crispy. Add salt. It's delicious! Tomato suace...italy...fry garlic cloves over medium low heat in a pan with olice oil, add some sliced plum tomatoes, turn to medium high stirring alot until all the liquid is boiled off, add salt, pepper, a dash of balsamic vinegar, a little more oil...very strong tasting. caramelized onions go great. serve with pasta. lentils and rice...well look it up. also goes amazing with caramelized onions (great food in general with savory stuff) this is from arab countries grilled cheese...america...haet pan to medium, add butter put a slice of american cheese between two slices of bread and fry flipping once until browned. beans and rice for latin america, look it up, i don't know any special recipes.. make pie! pretty great. etc...lots of dishes in world :)
١٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٨
pak-choi toenjang salad 청경채 된장 샐러드 the ingredients -4-5 pak-chois -1 table spoon of vinegar -1 or 2 tea spoon of toenjang, the Korean soy-bean paste. -1 tea spoon of sesame oil -1 tea spoon minced garlic -some quantity of parched sesame 재료 -청경채 4~5개 -식초 1 스푼 -된장 1~2 티스푼 -참기름 1 티스푼 -마늘 간 것 1 티스푼 -볶은 참깨 약간 recipe 1. cleanse the pak-choi with flowing cool water and put the pak-choi in a wicker basket to get rid of water (to dehydrate?). 2. tear the pak-choi into bite-size pieces. 3. mix all ingredients except the pak-choi to make dressing (sauce?). 4. put the dressing on the pak-choi and then mix them softly using chopsticks 요리법 1. 청경채를 흐르는 물(차가운 물)에 씻어서 소쿠리에 건져 담아 물기를 뺀다 2. 청경채를 한 입 크기로 찢는다 3. 청경채를 제외한 모든 재료를 섞어서 드레싱(소스)를 만든다 4. 청경채에 소스를 넣고 젓가락으로 부드럽게 섞는다 **A study reaffirmed that the Korean toenjang [soybean paste] and its liquid version, chŏnggugjang, are highly effective in fighting cancer. I think this recipe will not helpful to you because you can not get Korean toenjang [soybean paste]. But I think it will helpful to you learning Korean. gggg In Koea, there are so many delicious dishes. I have heard many foreigners saying they like some Korean dishes. The Korean dishes which they love are 불고기, 김치 and 비빔밥 generally. If I have much free time, I will write those recipe in english. I love vegetables. I love to cook but I have not much time to cook ^^;;; So, I tend to cook easy dishes.
١٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٨
http://www.vietworldkitchen.com/bookshelf/articles/pho_SJM.htm this site 'll help u to cook the special Vietnamese food . It's also the popular Vietnamese fast food
١٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٨
Chicken Parmigiana 10-15 minute prep time / 35 minute cook time Ingredients: · 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breast · 12 oz shredded mozzarella cheese · 2 eggs, beaten · 2 T Parmesan cheese, grated · 2 (8 oz) cans tomato sauce · 3/4 tsp Italian Seasoning · 1/2 tsp Garlic Powder · 1/3 cup dry bread crumbs Preparation: Preheat oven to 375°F. Combine bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, Italian seasoning, and garlic powder in large Ziploc bag. Beat eggs. Dip chicken breast in eggs, and shake in bread crumb mixture, evenly coating. Cook chicken in 9X13 casserole dish for 30 minutes, turning chicken over in 15 minutes. Spoon tomato sauce over chicken and sprinkle mozzarella cheese over top. Bake additional 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.
٢٢ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٨
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