论“浅”、“荡漾”、“单子”、“搞笑和滑稽” 1)我在一本书看到这句话“如果你觉得太长,就告诉我,我可以找本短点儿,也浅点儿的书” 一本浅的书是啥?我把这个词儿翻译成英文。英文就是“shallow"。 2)“你就坐着让那些字句在你头脑里荡漾”。荡漾是什么意思?我把这个词儿翻译成英文。英文就是to undulate或者to ripple。这个翻译不好我觉得。 3)用中文人的话,咋写单子?英文的话,除了最后两个词之外,你就在词的中间儿用逗号。举例说明“我想买apples, chocolate, water and Coke。中文的话怎么写?我想买苹果,巧克力,水和可口可乐?还是我想买苹果,巧克力,水、可口可乐? 4)搞笑和滑稽有什么区别?
٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥ ٠٤:٣٨
الإجابات · 13
Question 1 短点 refers to lenth, like a short noveal. 浅点 refers to content; in this case, opposite to "Deep" Question 2 荡漾 here is a literary way to say "keep thinking of". Like, this poem is so beautiful that it keeps 荡漾 in you head (you keep thinking of this poem, those beautiful languages in it) Question 3 我想买苹果、巧克力、水和(means and)可口可乐。 Question 4 very similar in colloquial language. In written language (like in a film review), however, people only use 滑稽。I say 搞笑 in everyday conversation. I use it in my diary as well, but if in a composition that I will hand in to my teacher, I use 滑稽。 Hope this helps. :) You Chinese is making fast progress.
٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥
The straightforward answers are: 1. "I'll find a shorter and easier book for you." 2. "Jusy sit (here) and let these words work their own magic in your mind." 3. 用"顿号" - "、"。"苹果、巧克力、 水、 可口可乐" 4. To all intents and purposes, 搞笑=funny; 滑稽=comic. Note that there is no need for these to be derogatory!
٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥
1.浅 :浅显=easy to read and understand 2.荡漾:浮动;浮现=flow or appear ( in your mind) 3. 1)我们不说“中文人”,我们说“中国人” 2)我们不说“单子” ,我们说“词语”、“词组” 3)我们在词语之间用顿号,最后的两个词之间可以也可以用和, 比如“我想买苹果、巧克力、水、可口可乐 ”或者“我想买苹果、巧克力、水和可口可乐” 4. 1)搞笑=funny in a commendatory or derogatory way; something or someone can make you laugh in whatever ways. 搞笑的范围大一些,也包括滑稽。 2)滑稽=funny in a derogatory way and it can be ridiculous. 含有疯狂的,失序的,有一种冷酷和可怕的意思。可以是一种比较荒唐的搞笑,含有贬义。
٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥
Q1. 短点=shorter 浅点=easier to understand. Q2. I think 你头脑里荡漾 can be translated as linger in your mind. Q3 我想买苹果、巧克力、水和可口可乐 Q4 1.“搞笑” is a modern word,while 滑稽 is a word with a long history. 2.“搞笑” is less formal than 滑稽, and is preferred in daily conversation than 滑稽。 3.Both the to words can be derogatory. But “搞笑” is positive in most cases, while “滑稽” shows derogatory meaning in many cases.
٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥
1) Here 浅 means 'superficial; easy to understand; not profound/deep' 2) 荡漾:Just imagine the motion of the (water) wave. The water emerges and disappers for many times. Here it means 'the sentences emerge and disappear for many times.' 3) Normally, 我想买苹果、巧克力、水和可口可。 4) I feel 滑稽 is a little formal. And 搞笑 tends to be more colloquial. Others may give you a more satisfactory answer.
٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠١٥
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