Elia Murru
American Slang - Are you getting your hair ON FLEEK? Hello friends, I was talking to a friend of mine this morning, saying that I was about to have my hair done. My friend replied to me by texting: are you getting your hair ON FLEEK? I was able to decipher the meaning of the word, and then double checked on urban dictionary which states that the meaning is "ON POINT", like "cool" I would like to know more about this slang word. When is it used? Who does it use it? How long has been used? Thanks! E.
١٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٥ ٢٠:١٤
الإجابات · 4
"On fleek," which as you pointed out means "on point" (another slang word, ultimately meaning that something "looks good" or "is executed well.") really only became widespread about a year ago or so. It is mainly used by young people. Although, as with most new slang terms, grown-ups use it in a slightly sarcastic way almost poking fun at the term. I believe the original context was, "eyebrows, on fleek," which means, "(my) eybrows are looking really good." Given its slangy nature and the fact that "fleek" isn't a "real" word, it has morphed into a general term to mean, "cool." "That jacket is on fleek." "Your hair is on fleek." Note that this word is really slangy, and a lot of people still aren't aware of it. I would not say it is in general circulation among the population. The most I've ever used the phrase is here, in this post.
١٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٥
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