"Haven't got" or "haven't gotten" Which is correct? I haven't got any positive response or I haven't gotten any positive response Thanks a lot
٢١ يناير ٢٠١٦ ١٣:٣٨
الإجابات · 9
It depends whether your sentence is in the present simple or present perfect, and whether you are using British or American English. Present simple: AE and GBE: I haven't got any positive responses = I don't have any positive responses Present perfect: AE: I haven't gotten any positive responses = I haven't received any positive responses GBE: I haven't got any positive responses = I haven't received any positive responses I hope helps.
٢١ يناير ٢٠١٦
"I haven't got any positive response" can be rephrased as: "I don't have any positive response (to give to someone else)" while "I haven't gotten any positive response" can be rephrased as: I haven't received any positive response (from someone else). Hope that helps
٢١ يناير ٢٠١٦
Both are correct in their place. Only "got" works in British English, whereas "gotten" would be usual in American English.
٢١ يناير ٢٠١٦
Since “got” and “gotten” are both accepted as the past participle of “to get”, there is no difference between the two at all. However, people in different places have different habits of usage. My advice: avoid both. Instead, say either “I don’t have” or “I haven’t received” and absolutely everybody everywhere will know exactly what you mean.
١١ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٣
There is no "Havent got" in propper English. While constructing a negative sentences in Present Perfect, you always use past participle. Present Simple: Usually I don't have much time. Present Perfect: I haven't gotten much time recently. In order to develop more understanding, about rules of any language, you should accept the fact, that being a native speaker of any language, doesn't mean that you use it perfectly well. On the other hand people shouldn't be submissive to a language - it should be, the other way around.
١١ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٣
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