Felicity Thébault
Translate this please? In the context of me writing a letter to send to my pen-pal friend in Korea: - Sorry that this letter is typed, but my handwriting is awful and I was afraid you wouldn't be able to read it due to the messiness! Thank you~
١٨ أبريل ٢٠١٦ ٢٠:١٢
الإجابات · 2
"Sorry that this letter is typed, but my handwriting is awful and I was afraid you wouldn't be able to read it due to the messiness!" Here's a translation done in a casual style. 이 편지 타이핑을 해서 미안한데 그건 내 손글씨가 너무 서툴러서 (쓴 걸) 네가 못 알아볼까 봐 그런 거야! [or 그런 거니까 이해해 줘!] * 손글씨: handwriting. * 서툴러서: because it's poor. * 쓴 걸 (쓴 것을): what I wrote. * 알아보다: recognize; read. * 이해해 줘: please understand.
١٩ أبريل ٢٠١٦
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Felicity Thébault
المهارات اللغوية
الإنجليزية, الفرنسية, الإيطالية, الكورية, النرويجية, الإسبانية
لغة التعلّم
الفرنسية, الإيطالية, الكورية, النرويجية, الإسبانية