Meanings of morphemes ( Chinese characters):
荒:overly; 唐:(empty and) big; 谬:(badly) false/erroneous
荒唐:badly wrong so as to be RIDICULOUS; used preceding noun phrases, or following linking verbs,but NOT as adjuncts.
荒谬:badly wrong so as to be UNREASONABLE,used preceding noun phrases, or following linking verbs,but rarely as adjuncts.
The two words are not normaly exchangable.
---- 如果你想将来当总统,那么你最好在年轻的时候就严于自律,对自己的个人生活抱持谨慎的态度;否则,你迟早要为那时候的荒唐行为付出代价。(× 荒谬)
--- 难道一个人在二十多岁、三十多岁,正在为取得商业上的成功而打拼的时候,会想到二十年、三十年之后的某一天自己会想当总统吗?那种说法太荒谬了。 ( × 荒唐)