Lina Lin
Need help with this sentence! Please take a look if you have a minute:) 当第一次看这文字的时候,看起来它们是如此的不同以及不可理解。 I wanted to say that when you first time see characters, they all look different and not clear or something like this. 1. What is the role of "如此"? 2. I don't understand "以及" Thank you!!!
١١ يناير ٢٠١٨ ٠٦:٤٢
الإجابات · 6
"如此" here emphasis the significant difference among Chinese characters. It's equal to 'so' in the sentence below: "You are so beautiful!"——你是如此美丽! "以及" means 'and' here. Translate the original sentence to English may make it easier: "They(the Chinese characters) are so different and hard to understand."——它们是如此的不同以及不可理解。
١١ يناير ٢٠١٨
如此 = like this but in your context, "like so" 以及 = "and so" in your context. Other meanings are "as well as, too" My English translation, "On first sight, the Chinese characters look so different that it is difficult to understand"
١٢ يناير ٢٠١٨
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