So close, yet so far? Hi, there I am wondering if you have a word or a phrase in English that can describe something or someone is familiar to me and at the same time, now it's actually something I don't quite know about I make up a context below for your better understanding of my question: I think my friend has changed, and now he doesn't seem to be the one I used to know. can I take so close, yet so far to mean what I'm intended to express? Or so familiar, yet so strange/unacquainted to me? I need a confirmation. Any comment would be much appreciated!
١٤ أبريل ٢٠١٨ ٠١:٠٢
الإجابات · 2
Hi Steven, Yes you can. But "so close, yet so far" would usually be used when describing distance. For example, if you were about to achieve a dream or goal but failed last minute, the dream would've seemed so close yet so far. If describing someone like in your example, something like "so familiar, yet so strange" would make more sense.
١٤ أبريل ٢٠١٨
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