寂寞、孤單、孤獨、孤寂這四個詞匯有何區別? 若大家能舉例說明最好。謝謝大家的幫助。
٢٠ يوليو ٢٠١٨ ١٧:٤٠
الإجابات · 3
I don’t agree with Sophia Wang. So I look up these words in Chinese dictionary(现代汉语词典). Here is my answer. 寂寞、孤單、孤獨、孤寂 These four words are similar. All of them can mean alone and lonely. But there is a subtle difference. 1、寂寞 is synonymous with 孤寂. Both of them are more likely focused on the lonely feeling. In the daily life , 寂寞 is more colloquial/casual. 孤寂 is more formal/written. I will say “我很寂寞” and never say “我很孤寂”. When you write a composition, you can write down “他一个人呆在家里,感到十分孤寂。” 2、孤單 is synonymous with 孤獨. Both of them put more emphasis on the fact that you are alone. 孤單is a little bit more about the fact that you are alone (vs 孤獨) . Sometimes it means you don’t have enough power to fight against others. I think they can be exchangeable mostly.
٢١ يوليو ٢٠١٨
寂寞,是用在缺少情感(尤其是爱情)的人身上,比如,他很寂寞,想找一个女朋友。 孤单,是指一个人看起来只有一个人,每天一个人生活,没有朋友。比如,他不孤单,因为他有影子陪伴。 孤独,是指比“孤单”更“孤单”的人的状态,甚至有点可悲,带一点儿“悲剧色彩”,比如,这个老人很孤独,子女都死了,白发人送黑发人。 孤寂,是用来形容环境的,没有声音,没有生机,比如,孤寂的山村安静得让人害怕。
٢٠ يوليو ٢٠١٨
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