which one is correct "stay health" or "stay healthy" I saw a sentence in my textbook---Staying healthy is important. There are three main things we can do to stay health. 1. So I wondering which one is correct, 1."stay health" or 2."stay healthy". I know 2."stay healthy" is correct, because [stay + adjective is a common usage], but how about 1."stay health" ? 2. If both are right, and you can help me to figure out what is the difference between "stay health/healthy", it will be really appreciated.
١٤ يناير ٢٠١٩ ١٨:٢٩
الإجابات · 11
"Stay healthy!!" Because it's an adjective.
١٤ يناير ٢٠١٩
Stay health is not right.
١٤ يناير ٢٠١٩
Stay healthy is correct, 'stay health' sounds like an error in the textbook.
١٤ يناير ٢٠١٩
2 healthy . health is more like "how is your health" were as "stay healthy" is a statement or recommendation
١٤ يناير ٢٠١٩
2 healthy . health is more like "how is your health" were as "stay healthy" is a statement or recommendation
١٤ يناير ٢٠١٩
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