Wreck your brains versus Rack your brains. a.) "wrack your brains". b.) "rack your brains". c.) "use your brains". Do they have the same meaning. Aside from this, what are the differences in meaning between add up "s" in the end of the word "brain" and without it. For example: a.) "wrack your brain". b.) "rack your brain". c.) "use your brain". Thanks in advance.
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الإجابات · 4
a) wreck your brain(s) - not a common expression. It would mean to destroy your brain, in my imagination perhaps through alcohol or drug abuse. b) rack your brain - to think hard looking for a solution to a problem. Brain is generally used in the singular. c) use your brain(s) - don't be stupid, think about it. Brain can be singular or plural. When it is plural it refers to your intelligence more generally rather than the organ of the brain.
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