What's the difference between "Someone is shallow/superficial"? For example, when a guy is only into good-looking girls, or when someone never think deeply on things before giving opinions , do they fit into the "being superficial or shallow" description?
٣٠ مارس ٢٠١٩ ٠٣:٤٧
الإجابات · 3
Hello Ethan, They both can be used for your examples and have virtually the same meaning: Shallow - showing a lack of depth in thinking Superficial - perceiving things at a surface level, ie. without depth. Note: a LACK of depth and WITHOUT depth. When discussing a way a person views something (their action), you would use Superficial, and if you are describing the person themselves, you would say either Shallow or Superficial. Hope that helps
٣٠ مارس ٢٠١٩
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