那些句子中“泡”有什么意思? 1・你要喝什么茶泡壶柠檬红茶好吧 2・她给我泡了茶 和我怎么能用“泡”在其他语境下? 谢谢!
٧ أبريل ٢٠١٩ ٠٠:٣٠
الإجابات · 7
In other situations: pronounced as ㄆㄠˋ 1. emptiness/mirage/illusion... 願望已成 泡影 : goals had become an illusion 2. bubble-like or bulb 电灯泡儿 bubble lights, 水泡 = blister 3. to dilly-dally 泡病号: malinger pronounced as ㄆㄠˉ 4. things that are bulgy and soft, 泡眼 bulgy eyes. 豆腐泡儿: tofu (that looks spongy and soft). 5. soft or vacuuous and frothy like... 木料发泡了 the wood had become rubbery-like. 6. to mean "lake" as in place names, eg. 月亮泡 7. same as 脬, a classifier for urine or fecal matter eg 一泡尿 8. slang for a sexual pickup or orgasm. 今晚泡誰: who's your pickup tonight?
 ...اقرأ المزيد
٧ أبريل ٢٠١٩
it can mean to hit on a girl as well, For example, 他去泡妞了.
٧ أبريل ٢٠١٩
Here 泡 means “soak something in liquid." As suggested in other answers, it has also developed figurative meanings such as "idle away time"(泡网吧) or "nag somebody" as all those actions resembles soaking in a fashion that they are not that intense.
٧ أبريل ٢٠١٩
泡 means sth or sb in the water. Another example of 泡, 软磨硬泡, which means to coax and pester someone for sth unceasingly; to tiresomely pursue something.
٧ أبريل ٢٠١٩
仅就你给出的两个例句,意思如下:(当然还有一些其他的含义,比如泡妞) To put something into water for a while. Usually hot or warm water. 泡一壶龙井。 我去泡个澡。 你泡点面吃。 把衣服泡一泡再洗。 睡前泡脚有益健康。
٧ أبريل ٢٠١٩
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