In other situations:
pronounced as ㄆㄠˋ
1. emptiness/mirage/illusion... 願望已成 泡影 : goals had become an illusion
2. bubble-like or bulb 电灯泡儿 bubble lights, 水泡 = blister
3. to dilly-dally 泡病号: malinger
pronounced as ㄆㄠˉ
4. things that are bulgy and soft, 泡眼 bulgy eyes. 豆腐泡儿: tofu (that looks spongy and soft).
5. soft or vacuuous and frothy like... 木料发泡了 the wood had become rubbery-like.
6. to mean "lake" as in place names, eg. 月亮泡
7. same as 脬, a classifier for urine or fecal matter eg 一泡尿
8. slang for a sexual pickup or orgasm. 今晚泡誰: who's your pickup tonight?
...اقرأ المزيد