届きます vs 届けます: Confusion I often get confused with the transitive and intransitive forms when it comes to Japanese. 財布を見つかったの? うん。通行人の男性がみつけて、交番に(届けてくれた。) Why is it 届けるinstead of 届く ?
٢٠ يوليو ٢٠١٩ ١٣:١٩
الإجابات · 11
>But then if it's in English, a transitive verb means an action verb with a direct object while intransitive >verb is an action with an indirect object. My definition about transitive/intransitive verbs in English is not like yours. Mine is that transitive verbs need a direct object like: - I get it. - I did it. and intransitve verbs require NO objects whether direct or indirect like: - I am running now - you came here. According to THIS denifinition, the sentencre "うん。通行人の男性がみつけて、(財布を)交番に(届けてくれた。)" is fine because : the subject is 男性, the direct object is 財布, then the verb has to be a transitive one. "届ける” If you use ”届く" here, that will be ungrammatical. 我再问你. 你可以把这两个日文翻译得用中文两样吗? 通行人の男性が(財布を)みつけて、それを交番に届けてくれた。 通行人の男性が(财布を)みつけて,それが交番に届いた
٢٠ يوليو ٢٠١٩
It seems to me a simple question calling for a simple answer. 届ける (vt) - to deliver (something somewhere) 届く (vi) - (Something) reach, arrive (somewhere) Thus: 通行人の男性がみつけて、交番に(届けてくれた。) = A male passerby found it and delivered it to the police box. where "delivered it" is "transitive verb + object."
٢٢ يوليو ٢٠١٩
Yes, I did say 到 is a result complement which is 补语。说实话,我对transitive 和 intransitive的概念很浅。因为没有特别地去学。But then if it's in English, a transitive verb means an action verb with a direct object while intransitive verb is an action with an indirect object. When it is put in a Japanese context, I get messed up again. That is why I came here in hopes for detailed explanations as I am so confused right now.
٢٠ يوليو ٢٠١٩
> 中国語では、 ‘有位路人发现了我的钱包并把它交到警察局去。’ > In Mandarin, I think we mostly use intransitive verbs ^^lll 我觉得这个<交>不是intransitve动词还是transitve动词因为前边有句<把它>.我想明白你对intransitve动词有什么定义. I think <交> here is not an intransitve but a transitve verb bercause it has the words <把它>before it. I would like to know your difinition of "intransitve" verb. >Many Mandarin verbs are attached with result complements like 到 (交到) > to state the previous object has been delivered to someone or a place. 我觉得 这样<到>是补语的概念, 好像是和transitive动词或者intransitive动词没有关系的 I think <到> here is a 補語, and that is another conception from the one whether it is transitive or intransitive. 我认为中文在transitve和intransitve动词之间没有清楚的区别。所以我问你的定义。 I think there is only an obscure distinction between transitive and intransitive verbs in Chinese. That's why I ask you your difinition.
٢٠ يوليو ٢٠١٩
中国語では、 ‘有位路人发现了我的钱包并把它交到警察局去。’ In Mandarin, I think we mostly use intransitive verbs ^^lll . Many Mandarin verbs are attached with result complements like 到 (交到)to state the previous object has been delivered to someone or a place. 有位路人发现了我的钱包并帮我交到警察局去。これもいいです。
٢٠ يوليو ٢٠١٩
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