Jordi Jorge
Save something to vs Save something on/onto I would like to know the difference in meaning between "to save something to" and "to save something on/onto" in the context of technology. Here are a couple of example sentences: - Save the file to the hard disk. - You can save the data on/onto your hard disk. What does it imply "to save something to"? What does it imply "to save something on/onto"? Also, I wonder if "to save something ONTO" is idiomatic. If I say "Save the photo/document/audio TO/ON the computer/phone/camera/ipad", do they both mean the same? If I say "Save the photo/document/audio TO/ON 'C:\Windows\' ", do they both mean the same?
٣ أغسطس ٢٠١٩ ١٨:٣٥
الإجابات · 2
I wonder whether "to save onto" comes from a past time, when the physical object (vinyl record, tape cassette, compact disc...) was more important. Now, data exists everywhere. >> "Save the photo/document/audio TO/ON the computer/phone/camera/ipad" To me, the same thing. >> "Save the photo/document/audio TO/ON 'C:\Windows\' " Here I would prefer "to", because 'C:\Windows\' is more like an address/place, and not a thing. In this case "on" sounds a bit weird to me. I expect in 5 years' time, these meanings will have evolved further
١٣ أغسطس ٢٠١٩
The meaning is incredibly similar - it's just a different use of prepositions. For me, the feeling of 'onto' is stronger and I envisage the data going on, rather than the more passive 'to'. They can be used interchangeably. Thanks Tutor Zowee :)
٣ أغسطس ٢٠١٩
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